mukku_fan Jun 22, 2011 12:15
f:phobia, f:tj and amal comic, f:starfighter, s:srsly what just happened here?, f:khaos komix, f:teahouse, s:why must i fall love with weird stuff?, s:fangirling
mukku_fan May 31, 2011 23:10
s:fandom, c:alois trancy, f:phobia, s:dorking out, f:tj and amal comic, s:basically the most awesome thing ever, c:charlie trueman, s:srsly what just happened here?, f:kuroshitsuji, f:khaos komix, c:ciel phantomhive, s:why must i fall love with weird stuff?, c:tj
mukku_fan Mar 29, 2011 22:12
s:fandom, s:dorking out, f:tj and amal comic, s:be still my fragile heart!, s:why must i fall love with weird stuff?, c:tj